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New academic year, new goals

Half the year is almost over and we are at the beginning of yet another academic year for our kids. The last one year has been extremely challenging for our beneficiaries with schools being shut and formal education in person coming to a standstill.

It is then that we at Light of Life Trust adapted to technology and its various aspects. Technology has been our friend through the last one year and it has showed us that if used correctly if can be super effective and help our Beneficiaries. It is then that we made sure that our beneficiaries be provided with tabs, computers, smartphones to further their studies.

A lot of generous donors came forward to help us in our endeavour. But it doesn’t stop here. We need a lot more help to reach out to each and every beneficiary in our rural centres. With things getting more unpredictable and more and more students slowly understanding technology it is upto us to provide them the means.

Also, as the academic year begins, all
Students are graduating to one higher medium and they need all the support from you. Please come forward and donate whatever you can so they can start their academic year on a positive note.

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