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Tough times need kind souls

As the pandemic rages and the second wave has hit India worse than ever, it is the people who have to stand up for the people now.

While the urban centres are already facing a massive issues of bed procurements, oxygen cylinder procurement and so on and so forth, the rural villages too could soon be the target. Under these circumstances, it isn’t just the raging pandemic that will cause a problem to rural India but also unemployment, lack of education and several other issues.

This blog isn’t to scare anyone. This blog is to urge people to come forward and help the less fortunate. Light of Life Trust works at various rural centres and we are trying our level best to help our beneficiaries and their families sustain through these tough times. But we cannot do it alone.

We will need your help to educate our beneficiaries. We will also need your help to help our beneficiaries and their families to see through these dark days. It doesn’t matter how much you donate or how little you donate, every helping hand counts during this time of crisis.

Light of Life Trust always believes in educating its beneficiaries so as to make them self sufficient. And even during this time that is our only endeavour. So please come forward and help us help them.

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