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Empower Vaishnavi to win the race

You must have heard of Vaishnavi Ahewar in our social media posts. Currently we are in the process of raising funds for her so she could fulfil her dream of being a National Level athlete. But why Vaishnavi you might wonder?

Well, Vaishnavi hails from a family of 6 members – her parents and her 3 younger siblings. Both her parents are farm labourers and due to their seasonal job they find it extremely difficult to raise a family and provide them with all amenities. This is where Light of Life Trust stepped in and took Vaishnavi under the criteria of neglected child and made sure that her economically poor background will not interfere with her studies.

Vaishnavi being a bright kid completed her SSC with 76% and took admission for the 11th standard. But her true love lies in athletics. Despite no professional training Vaishnavi has managed to carve her niche in athletics. In the Tata Mumbai Marathon 2020, Vaishnavi secured the second place in 10km running. And ever since that day her dream of becoming a national athlete has become even more resolute.

While Light of Life Trust has been with her to achieve her goal, she needs more help than that. She wants to complete her education while becoming an athlete. She needs support for nutritional supplements, sports material etc. and all other expenses for two years. After these two years, she would like to move to another area, Pune or Washim for professional athlete training.

If you want to help Vaishnavi run and achieve her goal of becoming an athlete, then click on this link

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