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Help The Needy

We are a part of a pandemic. Yes, we all. Each one of us. The world has been shaken by Covid-19 and so has our beloved country India. We are struggling at many levels – hospitals, testing, jobs, shelters but the biggest problem faced is by daily wage workers who have completely lost out on their jobs and daily incomes. While the lockdown may be emotionally and psychologically draining for many of us, we cannot even begin to imagine the chaos its creating in the lives of our daily wage earners and migrant labourers. It is a nightmare for them to even sail through this. While sympathy and empathy is all good, practical solutions are the need of the hour.

At Light of Life Trust, our constant endeavour has been to reach out to the poor and downtrodden and help them secure a life, education and career. However, currently a lot of our beneficiaries are really suffering owing to the lockdown. Their daily incomes have been stopped, they are fighting to survive and it is becoming more and more difficult for them to even score one single meal a day.

This is why we are running two campaigns right now. One on our RazonPay and another one on the Ketto page.

The link for RazorPay page is:

The link for Ketto page is:

Yes, we all are going through unstable job scenarios as well as a lot of ups and downs in our personal and financial life, but let us think of it this way – we still have a home to stay, 3 square meals, the luxury of owning a television, a mobile phone, a laptop. But what do these daily wagers have? Nothing in comparison to us.

Also, it isn’t much what we are asking of you. All we need is a donation of Rs. 1025/- which will help provide a hygiene and grocery kit for a rural family for a month. The kit consists of 3 handwash soaps, 5 kg rice, 2 kg dal, 1 kg whole pulses, 5 kg wheat flour, 2 litres cooking oil and some masala powders. Light of Life Trust has taken it upon themselves to raise the money for 6460 of its beneficiary families.

If you would like to donate and make a difference to at least one person’s life then please click on the link above and do whatever little donation you can make.

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