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Year End Blog

It’s been a year of unpredictability, of things going wrong, of wait, of patience and most of all, of resilience. At Light of Life Trust we have had a tough year, with lot of challenges posed in front of us. It hasn’t been easy to manouvre through. But one thing we have learnt this year is to turn our disadvantages, our challenges into small victories or accomplishments.

Right from the time the pandemic hit our country, we have made sure that we turned every negative into positive. At the beginning of the pandemic, there was shortage of masks. So we took it upon ourselves to make those and distribute them. Going further, there was shortage of grocery and hygiene kits. We rose to the occasion to help our villagers by collecting funds and distributing them.

We continued our best efforts during the year, sometimes by organising an online concert to raise funds and at other times by reaching out to our generous donors.
One major breakthrough for Light of Life Trust came in the form of online education for its beneficiaries. Most of our teachers took to online classes and started imparting education via phones and tabs. We also collected funds to distribute tabs and laptops to our students so their year wouldn’t be wasted.

While most may consider this year a washout or a terrible one, we believe that we have lessons to learn from it and experiences to take forward. Every year matters – whether good or bad, so let’s take it as it comes and try to make the most of it.

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